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Holy words of our Faith Handed down to this age. He took my sins and my sorrows, He made them His very own; He bore the burden to Calbary, And suffered and died alone. Minya baru tercurah urapi umat-Nya Nyata kuasa-Nya.
Joy to the world! Kaulah satu-satunya Sumber dari s'galanya Kau kebenaran yang s'lalu kupegang Kau keyakinanku untuk bersinar terang Yesus Tuhanku Yang berkuasa atasku Hidupku takkan sama Kutahu sungguh anug'rahMu bagiku Hidupku takkan sama Kaulah alasan untukku hidup Hanya menyenangkanMu.

Com will not be responsible for any service issues at the hotel. Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain Our Jesus Christ is born. When You call our names. Who compares to You Who set the stars in their place You who calmed the raging seas That came crashing over me Who compares to You You who bring the morning light The hope of all the earth Is rest assured in Your great Love You are magnificent, eternally Wonderful, glorious, Jesus Nothing ever will compare to You Jesus Where the evening fades You call forth songs of joy As the morning wakes We Your children give You praise.
Just to love You and to live to See Your beauty and Your grace. Sidney Mohede One thing, one thing i desire Is to know you, as close as I can try Your love consumes my aching heart I will love you, not with just my words Or my hands, but Lord with all my heart I want to live for You alone I live for You Lord I live for You Lord I will serve You as my Master A living sacrifice I want to live for You alone Many are the words we say Many songs that we can sing But it's time we bring You something real Not just something that we feel or require But rather from the heart I want to live for You alone.
It is over, it is finished Now the battle has been won Sin is conquered, death is vanquished With the rising of the Son Let the darkness scatter Hear the Lion roar The Lamb has overcome 3x And we are free, forever free He is justice, He is mercy He is ever on our side See the mighty, King of Glory Swing the gates of heaven wide Let the darkness tremble Hear the lion roar If the Son has set me free then I am free I'm free indeed and Nothing can take that from me when I am free forever free There is now no condemnation There is now no separation If the God of my salvation Says I'm free forever free.

Age to age He stands, and time is in His hands, Beginning and the end, beginning and the end. Gm D You are Lord of all! Christ the saviour is born. Bm Asus Bm There is power here for miracles, to set the captive free G and make the broken whole.

Mountains bow down and the seas will roar At the sound of your name I sing for joy at the work of your hands Forever I'll love you, forever I'll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have in you chorus My Jesus, My Saviour Lord there is none like you All of my days, I want to praise The wonders of your mighty love My Comfort, My Shelter Tower of refuge and strength Let every breath, all that I am Never cease to worship you chorus chorus x2 Nothing compares to the promise I have in you Nothing compares to the promise I have in you Nothing compares to the promise I have in you Healing Rain Healing rain is coming down It's coming nearer to this old town.
G D How can I keep from shouting Your name? Healing rain is coming down It's coming closer to the lost and menembahmu. E For His returning we watch and we pray We will be ready the dawn of that day We'll join in singing with all the msnyembahmu 'Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King Artist: Tuhan curahkan Roh-Mu Atas manusia di bumi Biar manij Menyampaikan nubuatan Bri mimpi dan penglihatan Nyatakan isi hati-Mu Biar iman kami bangkit Surga nyatakan kedatangan hari-Mu Kan ada kebangkitan yang besar Kan ada pemulihan di neg'ri kami Kan ada kebangkitan yang besar Yang berseru kepada Yesus dis'lamatkan Lord, pour out Your Spirit On all the people of the earth Let Your sons and daughters Speak Your words of prophesy Send us dreams and visions Reveal the secret of Your heart Lord our faith is rising Let all heaven sound the coming of Your day There's gonna be a great awakening There's gonna be a great revival in our land There's gonna be a great awakening And everyone who calls on Jesus They will be saved.
Father of creation, unfold your sovereign plan Raise up a chosen generation That will march through the land All of creation is longing For your unveiling of power Would you release your anointing Oh God let this be the hour Let your glory fall in this room Let it go forth from here to the nations Let your fragrance rest in this place As we gather to seek your face Ruler of the nations the world has yet to see The full release of your promise The church in victory Turn to us Lord and touch us Make us strong in your might Overcome our weakness That we could stand up and fight Let your kingdom come Let your will be done Let us see on earth The glory of your son.
Kau sungguh indah tiada taranya Sungguh menakjubkan Sungguh ajaib 'tuk dimengerti Lebih dari semua yang ada Hikmat-Mu tiada terselami Kasih-Mu dalam tak terduga Kau sungguh indah tiada taranya Mulia dan berkuasa Kukagum hormat akan Engkau Kukagum hormat akan Engkau Kau Allah yang layak dipuji Kukagum akan Engkau.
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G D When you send us, God we will go. C D how amazing is Your love? G D We will praise You, all of our days. And in your eyes I see the pain.
Seindahnya pelangi secerahnya mentari namun Kau yang terindah hanya Kau yang termegah Walau badai menghadang dan bumi pun bergoncang namun Kau kan setia menjagaku selamanya sungguh nyata kasih Mu disepanjang hidupku dengan darah Mu Kau tebus dosaku sungguh nyata kasihMu disepanjang hidupku segenap hatiku hanyalah untuk Mu. People of Israel marched around the city Seven times they marched around the wall of Jericho Glory menyeembahmu God!
D Bm You are holy. Ajarku tetap setia Mengiring Engkau Sampai putih rambutku Bawaku Step by step we're moving forward, Little by little taking ground, Every prayer is a powerful weapon, Strongholds all come tumbling down And down and down and down Indirimbo zo guhimbaza imana download movies Download windows mongodb Downloaden boekhouden flitsend.
C G C Let the weak say, "I am strong. Hanya kepadaMu ku bawa seluruh kehidupanku sebagai persembahan yang hidup dan yang berkenan kepadaMu bridge: Tears of trtap and tears of shame are washed forever in Jesus' name.
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